CLEARIFY announces the release of version 4 of QQube — the incredible reporting tool and recipient of 2012 Awesome Add-Ons by The Sleeter Group. Plus, CLEARIFY unveils is “new community as a central place to get help, ask questions, get answers, and interact with QQube Users and Solution Providers.”
QQube — Release 4
“As the world’s largest provider of custom reporting solutions and tools for QuickBooks Premiere and Enterprise users, CLEARIFY® continues to push the envelope by creating technology that has only been heretofore available in Fortune 1000 companies – at a fraction of the price.” Release 4 is a major release with added functionality in the following areas:
- Inventory enhancements
- Additional financial reporting capabilities
- New fields for existing subjects
- New LOOKUP subjects
- Advanced calendar features
- Improved diagnostic tools and underlying functionality
- Better support for Terminal Services
- More report examples
- Overhauled documentation and self-help materials
Click here to read about the complete details of the version 4 features. Read the Press release here.
CLEARIFY Community 
CLEARIFY unveiled its new community “with over 300 Wikis, Articles and Blogs, files – on topics that not only include QQube centric information, but which show users how to create pivot tables, crystal reports – and even understand how QuickBooks data works.” It is a ‘Facebook’ like community, easy to navigate and a wealth of information.
“The community allows you to browse content, find and add friends, participate in discussions – with each other – using html tools to include pictures and video content, and contribute examples and files that may help the community at large. There is even a live IM service – talk in real time! ”
Read the full announcement here.